Whatsapp Vs LINE


Whatsapp and LINE having similarities on communication such as send text messages, photos or pictures, videos from gallery from devices. Recently, Whatsapp have a new function, that is sending voice message that known as walkie-talkie that same as the function in LINE applications.

Audio message of Whatsapp

Audio Message of LINE



Regristration of Whatsapp is quite straight foward. It only need to key in user's phone number that using on that device, then Whatsapp will automatically verification itself.

Registration of LINE got 2 option. One, users can key in phone numbers n the apps will send back a verication code to key in. And two, users can use Facebook to connect with LINE so that users of LINE can find friends easily.

Registration of Whatsapp & LINE


Whatsapp have the common chat funtion with LINE. 

LINE have same chat function with Whatsapp. However, It have additional features in chatting. LINE can send "stickers" that can show the emotion of a person. Users can download it for free or some have to pay for a fee. Besides, LINE also has a Note function. Users can take a note if you need to do so. LINE also provide photo album if users have to share a lot of photos to the other users. 

Stickers in LINE

Photo album of LINE

-Additional features

Whatsapp have only common chat function. LINE application have other features such as official accounts for those celebrities as well as companies so that LINE users can follow their idols. Besides, LINE provide LINE games, example pokalpang, bubble pop  or etc. LINE also have a Timeline function same with Facebook. Users can upload photos or update their current status on it. 

Features in LINE


Whatsapp allows users to use the application for free just for 1 year. After one year, users have to pay for it.

LINE is a FREE applications that users can use it to chit chat once they have data or Wi-Fi.

Price of Whatsapp & LINE

-Discover New Friends

Whatsapp requires phone numbers if their users have to add their friends into their whatsapp contacts then only can chat to each other.

LINE have 3 ways to find new friends. One, users can search by QR code. Two, users normally will search by ID. Three, users can shake their devices to find strangers to add and chat with. 

Searching for New Friends in LINE


Skype Vs OoVoo


OoVoo ans Skype is a video-conferencing and messaging software that can chat and video call with people in the whole world. Besides that, both of the applications can connect to Facebook. Users of both applications can upload photos and current status on Facebook via these both applications. Other than that, Oovoo and Skype can use it on mobile phones, computers, tablets, even home televisyen also.

Skype connect with Facebook

Oovoo connect with Facebook

Skype on any devices

Oovoo on any devices


-Individual or Group Chat
If users are prefer on one-on-one video chat or group chat without video, Skype is a suite application.
If users are prefer on group chat, OoVoo is a better application.

Skype individual video call

Oovoo group video call

-Group Chat
However, Skype has also group chat but users have to pay to upgrade to Skype Premium. If users do not upgrade to Skype Premium, it only allow at most 2 people to video call.
While Oovoo has a benefit that it does not need to pay for a group chat video call, it is for FREE! Oovoo allow at most 12 people to group chat together.

Skype Premium

Free Oovoo

-Audio Chat
Skype allow their users to have audio chat in individual or in a group. There is at most 25 people to allow in a goup for audio chat.
Oovoo also allows individual or group audio chat but it is just allows at most 12 people in a group.

Skype users only can chat with users that have Skype applications in their devices.
However, Oovoo is more convenient that Oovoo can allow their friends who have not downloaded Oovoo application to be able to chat with from Oovoo web browsers.

Oovoo web browser


Instagram Vs Flickr


Instagram and Flickr are known as applications that can share photos, videos and also current location. Both of them are mainly concern in sharing photos. These 2 applications have the similarity in filtering photos before uploading to the websites.


Instagram juz allows their users to upload 15 second long of videos.
Flickr allows their users to upload 30 second long of videos, therefore they have more time to utilize the editing tools in the application.
Video of instagram
Video of Flickr 

Instagram have 18 different of filters but it can juz adjust the brightness and filter of the photos.
Although Flickr juz have 12 different filter but it has a wide variety of edit photos, eg white balance, brightness, saturation, expose or etc.
filters of Instagrams

Filters of Flickr

Privacy of Instagram only have 2 options, that is either profile is under private or user can choose to be public so that anyone can view their profile without approval.
Privacy of Flickr is more flexible. Flickr users can choose any of your post to be private and can only let friends, family and their spouses to view it.

Privacy of Flickr

-Uploaded photos
Instagram only allows their users to upload at most 1 piece of photo at once.
Flickr allows their users to upload many photos at once.
one photo on instagram
Many photos on Flickr

-Photo searching
Instagram is essentially disposable. Once instagram users upload their photos, the photos will on the news feed in one moment only. If we wanna to find a photo that taken 1 year ago, we found that it is very hard to find it back.
Flickr have an essential arrangement of photos. Photos that have taken can be categorized in many albums or by putting hashtag so that the users can find out a specific photo easily.
sets of Flickr



Facebook Vs Twitter


One of the similarities is that the users of Facebook and Twitter can send private messages to people whom they want to chat with. Facebook and Twitter reveal users' current status; allow sharing of links and post reblogging. 

Private message of Facebook

Private message of Twitter

Current status of Facebook

Currrent status of Twitter

Besides, hash tags are used to collate posts of the same topic for users to explore. Also, both platforms offer similar functionality of showing your interest or liking on a post. Facebook allows you to 'like' and 'share', while Twitter allows you to 'favourite' and 'retweet'.

# of Facebook

# of Twitter

"Like" on Facebook

"Favourite" on Twitter

Share Button on Fabebook

Retweet on Twitter


Facebook users can post statuses of practically unlimited (63206 characters) length while Twitter limits it to 140 characters. Besides that, Facebook does not follow trending topics, as the latest post might be few hours ago or yesterday’s post. Twitter do post trending posts as every user using at the moment that following you is going to see that. Facebook and Twitter offers different settings for privacy . Facebook allows you to give others permission to your contents down to groups, while you can only be 'public to all' or 'private to some'.

At most 140 characters can be posted at Twitter

Different Privacy in Twitter and Facebook
