Facebook Vs Twitter


One of the similarities is that the users of Facebook and Twitter can send private messages to people whom they want to chat with. Facebook and Twitter reveal users' current status; allow sharing of links and post reblogging. 

Private message of Facebook

Private message of Twitter

Current status of Facebook

Currrent status of Twitter

Besides, hash tags are used to collate posts of the same topic for users to explore. Also, both platforms offer similar functionality of showing your interest or liking on a post. Facebook allows you to 'like' and 'share', while Twitter allows you to 'favourite' and 'retweet'.

# of Facebook

# of Twitter

"Like" on Facebook

"Favourite" on Twitter

Share Button on Fabebook

Retweet on Twitter


Facebook users can post statuses of practically unlimited (63206 characters) length while Twitter limits it to 140 characters. Besides that, Facebook does not follow trending topics, as the latest post might be few hours ago or yesterday’s post. Twitter do post trending posts as every user using at the moment that following you is going to see that. Facebook and Twitter offers different settings for privacy . Facebook allows you to give others permission to your contents down to groups, while you can only be 'public to all' or 'private to some'.

At most 140 characters can be posted at Twitter

Different Privacy in Twitter and Facebook
