Whatsapp Vs LINE


Whatsapp and LINE having similarities on communication such as send text messages, photos or pictures, videos from gallery from devices. Recently, Whatsapp have a new function, that is sending voice message that known as walkie-talkie that same as the function in LINE applications.

Audio message of Whatsapp

Audio Message of LINE



Regristration of Whatsapp is quite straight foward. It only need to key in user's phone number that using on that device, then Whatsapp will automatically verification itself.

Registration of LINE got 2 option. One, users can key in phone numbers n the apps will send back a verication code to key in. And two, users can use Facebook to connect with LINE so that users of LINE can find friends easily.

Registration of Whatsapp & LINE


Whatsapp have the common chat funtion with LINE. 

LINE have same chat function with Whatsapp. However, It have additional features in chatting. LINE can send "stickers" that can show the emotion of a person. Users can download it for free or some have to pay for a fee. Besides, LINE also has a Note function. Users can take a note if you need to do so. LINE also provide photo album if users have to share a lot of photos to the other users. 

Stickers in LINE

Photo album of LINE

-Additional features

Whatsapp have only common chat function. LINE application have other features such as official accounts for those celebrities as well as companies so that LINE users can follow their idols. Besides, LINE provide LINE games, example pokalpang, bubble pop  or etc. LINE also have a Timeline function same with Facebook. Users can upload photos or update their current status on it. 

Features in LINE


Whatsapp allows users to use the application for free just for 1 year. After one year, users have to pay for it.

LINE is a FREE applications that users can use it to chit chat once they have data or Wi-Fi.

Price of Whatsapp & LINE

-Discover New Friends

Whatsapp requires phone numbers if their users have to add their friends into their whatsapp contacts then only can chat to each other.

LINE have 3 ways to find new friends. One, users can search by QR code. Two, users normally will search by ID. Three, users can shake their devices to find strangers to add and chat with. 

Searching for New Friends in LINE
