Twitter and events

Twitter has preparing itself to be user friendly for the FIFA World Cup 2014. This image shows the addition of timeline in Twitter with the essence of football extravaganza.

If you do not have a Twitter account, no worries! Signing up to Twitter is getting easier and far more interesting. You can choose your favourite football team and also your profile image from Twitter. Everything about football!

Ever since the World Cup season has started, twitter has been overloaded with millions of tweets about the matches, along with the popularity of the trend #WorldCup. During the shocking semifinals match between Germany and Brazil recently, with Germany scoring 7 goals and Brazil, 1, Twitter exploded with the highest amount of tweets ever recorded. You might just miss a goal while reading through the tweets. The data recorded 35.6 million tweets posted during the match.


Germany's world cup hammering of Brazil broke Twitter records by Stuart Dredge