Sina Weibo

Sina Weibo gains much popularity since it was launched in 2009. There are more than 120 million of monthly active users of Weibo from more than 190 countries worldwide which brings Weibo being a leading social media, especially in China. In addition, there are more than half of Sina Weibo’s users were born after the 1990’s.

Are you wondering what makes Sina weibo becomes popular among all the social media?

There is definitely no way to deny that Sina weibo is China’s version of Twitter but basically it’s far more than that. We can also say that Sina weibo is the hybrid of Twitter and Facebook.

There are some basic features of Weibo, including functions like reposting, commenting, private messaging and also @Username when there is a need to mention users in your posts. In addition, there’s also a character limit of 140 in each posting.

In order to give users a more convenient way on accessing Weibo, they launched a mobile application which is applicable on any smart phone devices. This Weibo app is currently in not only Chinese version but also in English.
As a result, there is now 70 percent of Weibo users are accessing its service on a mobile device.